Friday, October 31, 2008


Pics from this year's festivities....

The outfit of choice for school today.

Our little Minnie Mouse.

I love the look on her face in this one.

Ready to get some candy!

Surveying the loot.

Friday, October 24, 2008

JohnMcCain - the dish towel

On Thursday morning, I heard Jadyn say the name of the Republican presidential nominee, John McCain. She said it together, like his name is one word - "JohnMcCain." I realized she was referring to a dish towel she'd been playing with by this name.
We think she picked up on it at her daycare center, though we're not sure if this was part of a short instruction on the subject or she's overheard conversations about the upcoming presidential election.
We have repeated the names of the candidates to her before so that she would be aware of them when she heard them, but we've not formally said anything to her about the election that I can recall much beyond that.
We asked her who "Obama" - Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee - is, and she replied "president." She may not completely understand that our only current president is George W. Bush and that neither John McCain nor Obama has been elected yet.
Now, we could speculate on all the reasons why she picked a dish towel of all things to name JohnMcCain, and it's hard to say if the real John McCain would approve this message. However, she does use the cloth named JohnMcCain alternately as a cape and a blanket for her doll of Grover, the Sesame Street character who of course is blue. Ironically, the dish towel is a blue and white checkered pattern, not red.
The only thing for sure this represents is that it's the extent of our 3-year-old's political punditry.