Sunday, September 25, 2005

What I wish I could tell Hershey:
You're not being replaced.
You're still a very important part of our family.
Jadyn is very fragile and small and we need to be careful with her.
If you understood how long we've waited for her and how much we wanted her to come,
you'd be a bit more patient with us.
Taking her socks out of her bed just brings you negative attention, not positive.
You're not doing everything wrong.
We love you, Hershey, and want you to remain with us, so please just listen when we tell you "no" and realize we'll tell you "Good boy" as often as we can.

The Jury Is Still Out...

We knew when we got pregnant that there could be a big adjustment issue for our dog Hershey when the baby was born. He's not getting near as much attention as he used to, and we are still trying to teach him how to act around the baby. At times he seems to want to guard and protect her. Then there are times when we get the impression he'd like to use her as a chew toy. So needless to say (why do people always SAY what they say is needless to say?) we aren't leaving her alone with the dog. It's just too scary. But here's a photo of him with her and Daddy, and he seems to be fine as long as he's included.

Friday, September 23, 2005

My daughter is getting hip. She says, "Peace Out!"

My darling sweet little angel child will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. 3 nights ago she started sleeping "through the night", meaning she slept at least 5 hours straight overnight. The first few nights I was a little worried that maybe I should have woken her up to eat. I will remember to ask the pediatrician about this on Monday at her 2-week check-up. But from what I hear from other parents, I should just give thanks to the good Lord and enjoy the sleep. And believe me, I am. I'd rather have her up more during the day and be able to sleep at night.

Oh, and I know it sounds like nothing more than proud new mommy talk, but did I mention that she already knows how to hold her pacifier in her mouth with her own hand? She isn't doing it all the time, but we have seen it several times over the last few days. Gifted, that's my diagnosis. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Our sweet baby girl's photos from the hospital are online at The password is 3717 and you should know my first name. She's adorable, of course!
There and Back Again (subtitled: How we did on our first trip to Wal-Mart)

Well, I had determined that I must buy food, and it couldn't wait for a time convenient to my dear hubby's schedule, so after Jadyn went down for a nap, I snuck her into the car seat, gathered the necessary stuff, and slipped out.

First, we went through the bank drive-thru lane. I bit my tongue and successfully fought the urge to tell the sweet lady teller to shut up because I feared the sound of her voice might wake my happily napping child. After catching glimpses of Jadyn through that handy but all-too-distracting car seat mirror, I felt reasonably certain I could pull off the Wal-Mart leg of the trip.

The thing that struck me most was this odd feeling that I was much like some wide-load truck on the highway without it's front and rear escort cars. I felt for all the world like everyone could tell I was a first-time mom on her first-time grocery trip with her teeny tiny newborn. I whispered to anyone who spoke to me, took extreme caution rounding turns, and skipped several aisles I would normally scan, all because of the lingering dread of a crying fit in the check-out line. (By the way, it sure would be nice if someone would tell the people at Wal-Mart that check-out workers have forgotten how to say anything more to customers than the amount of the bill.)

The highlight of the trip came while I was in the baby section. (Heaven forbid I DON'T go into the baby section - that's how it's been since the stick showed 2 lines.) Anyway, this nice lady saw me with my snoozing angel and asked me about baby monitors. Apparently a friend of hers is having a baby and wants the TV kind. I told her that in my opinion they're a little extreme, but if the new mommy wanted it (she's a first-timer too and I told her we tend toward the extreme), she should get someone to go in with her on it because of price. She said thanks and off she went. I felt! Imagine, someone asking ME about baby stuff!!! Didn't she see the giant flashing yellow I'M A NEWBIE sign over my head? Ah well, the bulb must have burnt out. I'll change it during the next naptime.

Monday, September 19, 2005

A few more pics of our princess!

With her grandmother, "Omi". In her bassinet in the hospital .

Rude noises can come as such relief!

Well, I think we found the culprit. After my c-section, my doctor prescribed the pain medication Lortab. I noticed that when I eliminated that and stuck with Tylenol that there was no more serious gas attacks. I also start out each nursing session with a Mylicon appetizer, and between those two strategies, we aren't having more than occasional moments of gas. Believe me, we are all very thankful. (It doesn't seem to be GERD from what I've read - thanks for the tip!)

Saturday, September 17, 2005


My poor sweet child has been suffering from terrible gas. It breaks my heart to hear her wailing and see her kick her legs and arch her back in what I know must be awful pain. I'm using those gas drops and they seem to be helping some, although I'm not sure how fast they're supposed to take effect.

By the way, have I mentioned that gas is evil???

Friday, September 16, 2005


This is how I announced the birth of our sweet daughter on my personal blog. I promise, from now on, posts will be original!

Well, our little duo has become a threesome. Jadyn Liana was born Saturday, 9/10/05 at 8:17 AM, weighing 6 lb 17 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. You know, I type that sentence with such ease, but truthfully, it was NOT an easy process.

My water broke Friday night, so off to the hospital we went (after my dear hubby finished an hour's worth of work). Upon arrival, when my doctor found I was not contracting on my own, he hooked me up to pitocin, the devil's drug. On and on the contractions came, but no dilation. So after he kept upping the dosage, I got some stadol to help deal with the pain. Still no dilation. Up went the pitocin. I gave up and got the epidural, which wasn't as bad as I thought. The worst part was having to stay still during the contractions so he could put the thing in. I was literally shaking from the pain. That was around 2:30 AM, and I was only dilated 2 cm. Around 4:30 I had dilated no further, and we decided that it looked like a c-section. The baby was pretty much stuck on some little bones in my pelvis. We made the final decision about 6 AM and at 8 AM I was wheeled into the operating room. She was born and pretty much wisked away for her check-up. Thankfully I got to catch a fleeting glimpse of her and hear the pediatrician say she looked good (over the sounds of her crying).

Anyway, I'm recovering from a delivery that pretty much went completely the opposite of everything I wanted, but in the end, I still have a beautiful baby. Now I see how utterly ridiculous it was of me to bother with a birth plan. Next time, my birth plan will be one word only: c-section.

Oh, here's a picture of my angel child:

And here's one of her with her daddy: