Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time

Christmas with a child really is amazing. Here's proof.

We took a few Christmas Eve shots to get into the spirit of things.

We took a few shots of what we accomplished after she went to bed. Sort of the "calm before the storm."

"Santa" was busy.

No chimney, so the stockings were hung on a table.

And now, the fun begins.

See the excitement in that face? Oooh, this is gonna be fun!
(We're only going to show a fraction of the morning's action.)

A table and chair set, decorated by yours truly.

A toy vacuum to help with "cleaning up".

Giving it a test run.

Doesn't every little girl need a pink airplane?

Potato Head Play Set

Exploring her stocking for goodies, like toy boats and washable markers.

This little light of mine...

A pink bubble-blowing lawnmower. Seriously.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Holly-Jolly Christmas

These pics were taken by my friend Martha at Jadyn's school Christmas program. Jadyn's class didn't perform but they did help prepare the snacks.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Elf Family

Yeah, it's all the rage. Check it out here.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Fun with Jadyn!
In this the final installment of National Blog Posting Month on Jadyn's Web site, we find Jadyn doing some pretty cool stuff today.
First, she said the word "Mississippi" after recognizing a Mississippi State emblem on a shirt Daddy was wearing.
Next, we see she helped Daddy with some laundry by moving the basket around some on her own (These shots were only moderately staged; she'd been moving the basket around in various ways by herself.).

Finally, we see Jadyn pretend to talk on Daddy's cell phone. Later, when she was playing with a toy phone, she pretended to call Mommy and said "Hi Mommy. (How are you or What are you) Doing?" She also was pretending to talk to a friend of the family.

We've had so much fun posting stuff (almost) every day this past month! We hope you've enjoyed it. We plan to keep updating the blog regularly, though probably not daily. Thanks for joining us during NaBloPoMo!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

So Grown Up

Doesn't she look like a big girl? It's almost as if I can tell what she'll look like at 10 years old.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cuz Ya Gotta Have Friends....

I remember when taking my daughter to a play date basically meant she had someone to crawl around on the floor next to. But now she's 2 and in preschool and suddenly mentioning names of people I really don't know. Connor and Sabrina and Austin and the like. Who are these people and why is my tiny daughter talking about them?

I gotta get a grip before the teens hit.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Jadyn's new love is Ice Cream. She requests it with extreme regularity.

Here are some pics of tonight's indulgence.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cute Clip

This clip was made by my friend Val. She makes lots of other adorable ones. If you place an order with her, please mention me.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cutie Face

Great shot her Daddy took.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Miss Manners

We have been working really hard on making sure our toddler practices good manners. She fully understand please, thank you and excuse me, and often says them at appropriately without needing to be reminded. But now I feel like it will be important to show her the reason behind the good manners. Not just because polite society demands it. Not only because she's half yankee and living among southern belles. Not even so that folks will "ooh" and "ah" at her advanced articulation. (Though I admittedly get a big kick of out that one.) But most importantly because using manners shows that we value other people, and we (as Christians) are called to do so because Jesus values others, and we should emulate all His qualities.

Now if I could only get the please to not sound like whining on the verge of a tantrum by the 4th or 5th time she says it while asking for ice cream.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Random Samples

A few pictures from the past few days.


Riding Oma.

Funny goggles.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

OK, OK this is post-dated because we forgot to do anything on Thanksgiving Day. We were all generally groggy and tired, and Jadyn's been battling a cold over the last couple of days, with a great deal of wheezing and a raspy voice - kind of strange to hear with a 2-year-old. But she's otherwise been enjoying herself and having a blast hanging out with her grandparents.
She wasn't too big on the turkey, but raring to go when we had ice cream later in the evening.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Elmo Monk

I love it when she wears this towel. So cute!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Want to Ride my Tricycle

Acquainting herself with a gift from Oma and Opa.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Friendly Neighborhood Cookie Monster

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playing hard to get at age 2?

Those who spend time around Jadyn see that she's normally an extrovert. She often calls out the names of people she approaches even before she reaches them and waves to strangers. But her interactions with non-related men can only be described as intermittent. Sometimes, she'll pull away when a man approaches or won't call out the person's name. Sure, we want her to remain safe in her interactions with the opposite sex but we still want her to be friendly with those who mean her no harm. So, I guess we'll just have to teach her that it's rude not to nice to people are just trying to be nice to you.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

On the mend

Jadyn is feeling must better today and we're very grateful. She ate only some of this piece of pizza tonight, but that's OK. It's a small step back to her normal eating habits, and she's definitely back to her typical smiling, funny and inquisitive self.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Under the weather

Tonight, we saw a rare moment where Jadyn wasn't feeling herself - she was having some tummy trouble. Normally, it doesn't take much to make her laugh, but she cried much of the last 90 minutes of the night before we put her to bed. We think she's doing better and will monitor her condition through the night. Here Mommy is comforting her.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

One Little Two Little Year Old Indian

Apparently they dressed up as Indians and made drums for the Thanksgiving feast at preschool

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bathing Beauty

I think this is my favorite photo of the month...so far.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Now you see me....

Now you don't!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Three Favorite Sayings

1. Mine! (We never say that word so I blame it on Mother's Day Out.)

2. No! (Ok, so yeah, she's heard that one from me. A lot.)

3. Wassat, Mama? (Natural curiosity is a good thing, right?)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dollar Tree Fashion Show

Pardon the poor quality, these were taken on my camera phone.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Cheesy Grin, Etc.

Such a flirt.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cheap Thrills

Amazing the fun you can have with 6 quarters and a two year old on a long afternoon.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


While Daddy is on the phone....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Car and Driver

Another dose of joy at the local WalMart ride-on. Cute, huh?