Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jadyn was invited to an older friend's birthday party. This friend, a 6 year old, opted for a roller skating party. With slight trepidation I packed her up and off we went to the rink. Putting on those training skates was an experience, but nothing compared to the experience of watching her take those first few tentative glides on the floor.

She did really well - she remained upright most of the time...

Sometimes she looked like this...

And at one point she got tired and did the middle of the rink.

Eventually she got tired of having wheels on her feet.
She turned in the skates and went to the play area.
Ah, the ball pit.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Backyard fun!
Jadyn and Daddy went outside for a little bit to play with the Jeep and just spend a little time outdoors today. It was one of the coldest days of the fall so far around these parts so we bundled up well.

In these two photos above, Jadyn is still getting used to the Jeep.

After a while, she decided she wanted to kick around a ball, so I obliged.

Sometimes, she'll pose for me, and it works out well.