Friday, December 26, 2008

Gift from Grandparents

Oma & Opa decided to get Jadyn roller skates, after having heard me regale them with tales of her first experience on wheels. Here's proof that it was a good idea.

No, she's not impersonating Frankenstein. She just got up on her feet after we got her gear on.

She was upright a good amount of the time.

Then sometimes she looked like this.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

So This is Christmas...

Some action shots from this morning's festivities.

Before it all started...

Her first reaction...

Classic pose with her new "axe"

Jamming out!

Our rocking baby!

Hmm, what could this be?

My Dora Roller Skates!!!

Thank you, Oma & Opa!

Look at all this stuff! (AKA The Aftermath)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas photo shoot 2008

Amanda took these photos today for our Christmas photo shoot. These were the best dozen of the bunch. They are posted in order from 1 to 12. We love several of them but the one we're using is No. 6. Enjoy!