Monday, April 03, 2006

6 months and counting

So, on Wednesday Jadyn had her 6 month check-up. She wound up seeing the nurse practitioner instead of her usual pediatrician. I use the term "usual" very loosely, because she's only seen him for about half of her scheduled appointments. He's been either sick or on call with a delivery or something else the rest of the time.

Anyway, she's topping the scales at 14.2 pounds (10th percentile) and is 23.5 inches long (5th percentile). Further proof that she is still a peanut. Shots went as well as I could have hoped - even a little better. Typical screams only lasted a few seconds and she was quickly mollified.

We've been giving her solid baby foods now, and she is thankfully not a picky child. The only things she pushes away are meats (not combined with other foods) and peas. That's ok by me, she still eats combo foods including plenty of other proteins and veggies, so I'm thankful.

If only I could get the technicolor spit-up to stop.

Peak-a-boo is a big hit, as well as pretty much anything I sing to her. Oh, and she's rolling now. The other day I had her playing on the floor and I stepped into the kitchen for the slightest of moments. I came back and she was not where I put her. She was UNDER THE COUCH! Sheesh! She can stay sitting up if I help her get her balance, and so far she can stay that way for almost a minute before a toy lures away from her center of gravity, and then it's TIMBER!

We seem to be mastering the art of napping in the crib instead of the swing. This is a very good thing, since I know she will eventually outgrow this "prop". When she shows signs of fatigue (and I have a good sense of when to expect this), it's off to the crib. She sometimes fusses or even cries but she'll sleep for up to 2 hours at a time. And lately, it's 12 hours at night. HALLELUJAH! (Ok, I know, I know, I'm bragging. But I'm so gosh-darn grateful!)

People continue to tell me that she is the "easiest" baby they've ever seen. All I can hope for is that 1)it stays that way, and 2)the next baby, should there be one, is not the complete opposite.

Ya wanna see some pics now, don't you? Come on, admit it.

This is Jadyn enjoying the Jumperoo that Omi pitched in to get for Jadyn. She LOVES it. The tongue sticking out is pretty commonplace. Especially when she's having fun.

This was taken a few weeks ago at a picnic with our church small group. That's her "Aunt Sassy" holding her. Aunt Sassy is most often heard saying, "She knows me! She loves me!" And we figure it's pretty much true.

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