Monday, December 12, 2005

3 Months Old

On Dec 10 Jadyn turned 3 months old. Time is just flying by, and yet it feels like I can't remember life before she was born. Anyway, here's her Christmas photo. We'll do the obligatory "First Photo with Santa" later this week.


Jackie said...

Oh wow! She's growing so fast. And I'll just warn you, they ALWAYS hate the bulb suction. It's even harder when they're older because they can fight you off better. Ashleigh has a terrible runny nose too, today. : ( I hate germs....

Anonymous said...

xxWow! I have a little girl named Jadyn too and she turned 3 months old on December 10th! Oh, and I was looking at your pictures and we even have the same car seat!

Anonymous said...

I just Love her! What a cute kid! I can't wait to be repaid for watching your house!
