Saturday, September 17, 2005


My poor sweet child has been suffering from terrible gas. It breaks my heart to hear her wailing and see her kick her legs and arch her back in what I know must be awful pain. I'm using those gas drops and they seem to be helping some, although I'm not sure how fast they're supposed to take effect.

By the way, have I mentioned that gas is evil???


E Soutter said...

CONGRATS MOMMA!!!!! It's the best thing in the entire world, I promise, even on the days YOU JUST WISH IT WOULD STOP SCREAMING! :)

Hang in there and relish the joy, my friend, I promise you'll always love her just as much as you do today -- even more. The days of bonding and sharing and becoming a family are just ahead and you won't believe how much you can feel all at once.


Now, on to the gas. This is a personal crusade of mine. Please consider the option that it is GERD. (DO NOT PANIC!! THIS IS NOT A TERRIBLE DISEASE! It's just acid reflux and very treatable with medicine so your sweet girl won't hurt any more.) The back arching is the classic sign. Whenever a mother tells me her baby is screaming and arching her back, I ask her please to look into GERD.

Congrats again, good luck, and please keep us posted!

Martha said...

Gas is EVIL... I totally agree! You might want to think about what you are eating. Start to write down what you eat and when you notice problems with her. ANYTHING with tomatoes killed Alex. Also... avoid onions...and several more foods that can cause gas! And I second the GERD. Alex was diagnosed with this as well!!! In fact STILL has it.

Jackie said...

First of all, NEVER run out of gas drops. Kenneth called those Nectar of the Gods. Worked magic on Ashleigh.

Also, look into GERD. Ashleigh had this and was on medicine for awhile. She's been off it completely for several months now-often they grow out of it. And even if it's gassiness, they usually grow out of that too.

Like Martha said, keep up with what your eating and do some research online about foods that cause gassiness.

When Ash had gas, it often helped to hold her on her tummy, whether it was on our lap, lying on someone's chest OR holding her with her torso on our arm, cradling her head either with our hand or in the crook of our elbow.

Another hint: her doctor assured me that the gas drops are not absorbed into the baby's system, so she can't overdose on them.

Good Luck!!!

I want to see more photos!!!