Saturday, April 08, 2006

Cuteness Personified
See, we just can't help but take pictures of her. It's like the camera is naturally attracted to that adorable little face!

This was taken at a recent March of Dimes event. Our friend Alex Hocutt was the area MoD ambassador and we raised money and walked to support him and his family. Isn't that hat just the cutest? And noticed how captivated she is by the balloon. I don't think she'd seen one before.

I took this while Jadyn was having some floor time. You can't tell in this one, but she was sitting up and leaning over. I'm telling you, she's a camera hog. If she sees ANYONE get out a camera, she looks toward it as if she's the only person anyone would ever dare to photograph.

What I love about this picture is that you can see not only her milestone of sitting up, but her vibrant personality. This is what she's like most of the time. She's such a happy, gregarious baby.

The other night after we fed her supper, we gave her a bottle with which she feeds herself. It's been a great developement. Anyway, eventually we noticed she seemed kind of quiet. We looked over and saw that she had nodded off to dreamland while still in her high chair. Of course we were obliged by the "how to be a good parent" handbook to get a shot of this.

This is a comparison study. The top was taken in October 05. The bottom was taken last night (April 06). What a difference 6 months makes. Last night we took the hammock feature off and Jadyn sat right in the tub. She seemed to love it, as indicated by the look on her face.

So that's a photo update of our sweet "punky". You may now post your ravings. Thank you.

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