Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Getting bigger
Jadyn looks and feels like she's getting stronger and growing.
She's not yet ready to start working on calculus or even putting whole term papers together, but she's getting there.
OK, I know. She's just barely a month old.
But I want so much for her to succeed and do well.
Right now, she's just hanging out in her hooded towel after her Momma gave her a bath.
One step at a time I guess.


Martha said...

WOW.. she is such a little thing and just gorgeous. She is getting some serious facial expressions now too. I LOVE the sleepy picture with Daddy, we have LOADS of those!!! I love that. Grow girl grow....

Jackie said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow and develop? I saw some pics of Ashleigh at Jadyn's age earlier today and was shocked at the changes.

She's getting her first haircut tomorrow....I can't believe it!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have such loving parents. If they want the best for you, they will start reading to you now. I am sure they think that you will not understand. That is not the purpose. You will learn the cadence of our language and learn to love books as soon as you can grab one. As a reading coach, I could tell your mommy and daddy all of the research on reading now, but I won't because I know that they know that reading is one of the most important survival skills in today's information world. May God bless you every single day! Love to you, Your cousin, Margaret McC