Sunday, October 02, 2005

Jadyn's First Sunday at Church

Well, we finally made it to church. I figure I'm doing pretty good, getting there when she's only 3 weeks old. I must say, I have NEVER felt so popular as when I walked in the door. Of course, as soon as people saw me, they looked at Jadyn, which I completely expected. Most of the comments were "She's so TINY!" and "She's beautiful!" Now, I KNOW she's tiny - and we're working on that part. But I have to say that I have wondered if people say she's beautiful because that's what a mother expects to hear. I mean, I know she's beautiful, but are people just being nice? But a sweet friend said, "No, really, I mean it - I don't say it about every baby because some just aren't." So apparently she really is just as gorgeous as I think.

It was great to get out and see folks again. I think it's a step toward feeling like I'm back to being human. Sure, I'm still going to feel like a walking milk cow for a while, but that's to be expected. At least now I can be around other folks - especially mothers who know the feeling. Maybe next week I'll try to get to our local M.O.P.S. meeting and get in the mommy groove. :)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

You are so funny! I'm with the other person, I don't say a baby is beautiful unless I really think so. Because some aren't. Every baby is wonderful in his or her own way, but not necessarily beautiful.

And I guess I'm really over the moon with Ashleigh, because I've never doubted anyone's sincerity when they told me she was pretty. ; )

And you are right, getting back out "into the world" will definitely make you feel tons better!