Tuesday, January 10, 2006

4 Months

Our sweet girl is 4 months old today. She has official transitioned out of the "vortex of need" phase and is mastering the fine art of making Mommy and Daddy smile. She laughs now, sometimes squealing when we tickle her. Anything that gets in her hand goes directly to her mouth, so we're gonna have to be careful what gets near her hands. Lately she's taken to grabbing Daddy's tie and sucking on it. Icky. She's able to stay in a balanced seated position for a few moments at a time, and she likes being upright and propped with pillows so she can get a new view of the world around her.

We go to the doctor next week for a height and weight check, shots (yuck), and I'll ask a few questions, like what to expect next, why she spits up for up to 3 hours after she eats, and how soon do we start thinking about cereal.

You know those commercials that say, "Having a baby changes everything"? I used to hate those because I wanted a baby so badly. Now I realize how true they are. And I loved it.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

You're doing better than me, I started Ashleigh on cereal about 2 weeks before she turned 4 months old. Of course, she'd been getting a little bit in her formula to help with reflux. (My pediatrician told me that some of the brands are formulated with cereal already in them!)

Anyway, she's a cutie pie, but you already knew that, right?