Friday, January 20, 2006

4 Shots of - well, not tequila!

Jadyn had her 4 month appointment today. 11 lb 13 oz, 23 inches, 10th percentile on both. In otherwords, she's basically a tiny little peanut. Believe me, Paul and I were NOT expecting a tiny child, but alas, she's teensy.

Poor child laid there happily babbling to the nurse who stood over her with those instruments of parental torture, vaccination needles. After the shots were over, the screaming was molified by feeding, but my heart still stung from the echoes of painful shrieking. It was one of those times when I had to exert every bit of my will to not yank the nurse back by her braid. I had heard that moments like this bring out the "mama bear", and I felt it some last time she had shots, but for some reason it was worse this time around. At least Jadyn went off to sleep shortly thereafter.

Oh, and we get to do it all again in 2 months. Joy.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

My goodness! She is itty-bitty. Ashleigh was 12 lbs. 8 oz. and 22" at her 2 month check-up. (And no, I didn't remember that, I went and looked!)

Trust me: it's a good thing. Your arms and back should rejoice! I love my baby, but MAN, she gets H-E-A-V-Y.

As long as she's healthy and growing, that's the only thing that matters.