Monday, January 16, 2006

Roly Poly

So Jadyn has been waking up earlier than usual the past few days and we've been attributing it to a slight cold she picked up. I kept praying that this 5:30 AM wake-up call was going to be short-lived. (I know, that's normal for some of y'all, but 'round these parts, it's usually a 7 AM rise and shine.)

Sunday morning Jadyn seemed fussier than usual so Paul finally went in to change her and bring her to me for her breakfast. When he brought her in, he said, "Uh, she was on her tummy..." in a mildly concerned tone. He's been indoctrinated enough to know that tummy sleeping is a dangerous, scary thing. Ok, not so much at this point, but the books make it sound like the moment your child falls asleep face-down they're dead meat. Anyway, his obvious main concern revolves around her sleep safety.

My first response: "She rolled over?? And I missed it?!?!?"

Maybe I need to get my priorities straight. That, or hook a camcorder to her crib railing.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Awww....he didn't tell me that it was the FIRST time she rolled over!!! I told him it was OK, that the pediatrician (and everything I've read) says that if they can roll over, it's OK. Before long she'll be all over the crib, from one end to the other and back before morning.